ABOUT THIS SITE >>> This site is a blog as well as an archive. It gives visibility to the continues working of radical_hope, its current move to radical_house, the research project Distraction As Discipline (2016 - 2019) and the process of OTÇOE - works for passers-by, a working trajectory (2013 and 2014).
radical_house is a long term project and has a threefold nature: it presents a physical place, a framework and a logic. When in 2013 teaching and mentoring became an extension of Langsdorf's artistic practices now radical_house stems from her pedagogical experience where 'being in dialogue' with others is her main principle.
Distraction As Discipline is
an investigation into enactivist principles in art and education
(research trajectory at KASK School
of Arts Ghent 2016-19). It considers the potential of performance art and
pedagogy in general, in resisting the current and massive
desubjectivation, by critically reclaiming both, attention for the moment and participation in a process.
OTÇOE - works for passers-by was the development of radical_hope's artistic practice in the city and questioned how and by whom this practice (and its bodily, social and economical aspects) is perceived. The title refers to the public of a city and to how we encounter and register most things on our way through the city: Out of The Corner of Our Eyes. OTÇOE.
... we are almost there ...
sitting with the body 24/7
08/02/2015 start –+ 12:30 بداية
until / tot / jusqu’à / لغاية
15/02/2015 end–+12:30 النهاية
Burning Ice Festival 8#
Muntcentrum / Brouckère, Wolvengacht 5, 1000 Brussels
metro: 1, 5 • bus: 29, 38, 63, 66, 71, 86 • tram: 4, 4, 32, 33
Retreat in public space
Our lives are governed by an economy that never sleeps. What is its impact on our relationship with time, work and our body? During one week we offer a retreat at the Monnaie Centre in the heart of Brussels. There you can see us practicing everyday activities: sitting, lying down, walking, standing, resting, making, dancing, speaking and seeing. Our fixed timetable and focus on ‘one action at a time’ builds the framework for physical self-observation: barely perceptible impulses are felt through a heightened attentiveness!
You are invited to watch our activities or enter the space and delve into action yourself.
See also pdf further down.
Retraite in de publieke ruimte
Ons leven wordt beheerst door een economie die nooit slaapt. Wat is de
impact daarvan op onze om- gang met tijd, werk en ons lichaam?
Gedurende een week bieden we een retraite aan in het Muntcentrum,
hartje Brussel. Hier zie je ons alledaagse activiteiten
beoefenen:zitten,liggen,gaan,staan,rusten,knutselen, dansen, spreken en
kijken. Ons vaste tijdsschema en de focus op telkens één bezigheid
vormen het kader voor lichamelijke zelfobservatie: door middel van aan-
dacht worden zelfs de kleinste impulsen tastbaar!
Je bent uitgenodigd om naar de handelingen te komen kijken of de ruimte te betreden om zelf aan de slag te gaan.
Zie ook pdf beneden.
Retraite dans l’espace public
Notre vie est dominée par une économie qui ne dort jamais. Quel est son impact sur notre rapport au temps, au travail et au corps? Durant une semaine entière, nous vous offrons une retraite dans l’espace public au cœur de Bruxelles, au « Centre Monnaie ». Nous y développons une pratique quotidienne basée sur des actions simples telles que s’asseoir, s’allonger, marcher, rester debout, fabriquer, parler et regarder. A horaire fixe, nous nous concentrons sur une action qui ouvre sur une expérience introspective singulière.
Vous êtes invités à venir observer nos actions ou à entrer dans l’espace et passer à l’acte vous-même.
Voir aussi pdf en bas.