ABOUT THIS SITE >>> This site is a blog as well as an archive. It gives visibility to the continues working of radical_hope, its current move to radical_house, the research project Distraction As Discipline (2016 - 2019) and the process of OTÇOE - works for passers-by, a working trajectory (2013 and 2014).
radical_house is a long term project and has a threefold nature: it presents a physical place, a framework and a logic. When in 2013 teaching and mentoring became an extension of Langsdorf's artistic practices now radical_house stems from her pedagogical experience where 'being in dialogue' with others is her main principle.
Distraction As Discipline is
an investigation into enactivist principles in art and education
(research trajectory at KASK School
of Arts Ghent 2016-19). It considers the potential of performance art and
pedagogy in general, in resisting the current and massive
desubjectivation, by critically reclaiming both, attention for the moment and participation in a process.
OTÇOE - works for passers-by was the development of radical_hope's artistic practice in the city and questioned how and by whom this practice (and its bodily, social and economical aspects) is perceived. The title refers to the public of a city and to how we encounter and register most things on our way through the city: Out of The Corner of Our Eyes. OTÇOE.
We invite you to the website of KIOSK / Kunstensite
to read more about "Unfixing the Atlas" in French, Dutch, Arabic and English.
We nodigen je uit op de website van KIOSK / Kunstensite
om meer te lezen over “Unfixing the Atlas” in het Nederlands, Engels, Frans en Arabisch.
Nous vous invitons à consulter le site web de KIOSK / Kunstensite
pour en savoir plus sur « Unfixing the Atlas » en français, arabe, néerlandais et anglais.
🖋️ 🖋️ 🖋️ Review / Révision / المراجعة / Recensie >>>
Rodja Karakuş : "When we find eachother, what happens?"
17/09 >>> 19:00 / Premiere
21/09 >>> 16:00 / Secondaire
[ Sep 18, 19, 20 the Unfixing the Atlas
will function as installation between 13:00 and 19:00 ]
Unfixing the Atlas is a piece, is a space, is a method: which enables an artistic process ‘on stage’ by and with a group of people who met by chance while sharing the question of how a group becomes a group?
While creating Alena tights unfix 1*, we, makers and performers, with and without previous professional experience in the field, followed our desire to find a shared vocabulary – a path to be walked in dialogue with each other and the audience: Visitors are invited to walk through a choreography of traces – found, created, read and transformed ‘sur place’.
Traces in Agni exultant fish are memories (coming back), remarkable spatial points on site, tools (of all kinds), written words, voices, hands in action, interested subjects, forgotten objects, … the other person next to you.
Like so many spaces, Exhaust Inflation is inconstant, yet many decisions, already taken or in the making, shape/d it – think of a park, a theatre stage, a city-bus, a classroom, a casino, the woods… an open field…
When you enter Flux unhesitating you might find things strange, after a while you will understand what is possible (for you) and eventually you might get involved or just not at all.
In any case, when you leave Exiting Lufthansa, you leave behind a little world that has changed in your presence, with or without you having contributed actively to the events that occurred while you were (t)here.
1* All anagrams used in this text are generated with www.ingesanagram.com