Multi Corn Plexe is an attempt to engage with the sociological phenomenon of "going to the movies". Approached from a practical viewpoint, as a field of codes and conventions, C+H confronts the movie going experience with their own performative and intervening praxis.
As with their previous work related to the rituals of theater going, C+H chose to investigate the framework of the cinema, analyzing the particular elements that make up the total event. Specific situations are developed that problematize the different aspects, in an attempt to vividly activate their latent and immediate implications for the audience.
With Multi Cornplexe the cinema is considered in the first place as an architecture. The projected film and screen, making up only one aspect of the total event which includes the projection hall, the popcorn seller outside, the advertising on the street, etc. Because of the complexity of the subject, the result has been the development of several different sub-projects which individually treat the different aspects of going to the cinema.
The project MCP takes place over a period of 3 years, allowing the trio to concentrate first and successively on the different aspects of their subject and in consequence to dispose over different realisation-periods, corresponding to the different needs of the respective concepts developped. A first research period was held in Hangar (Barcelona) during the summer of 2006. Following this a main working period took place from February until April 2007 at the art center Nadine (Brussels), where C+H were the artists in residence.
The aim of this residency was to generate a series of works of different scales, some being more intended as studies or presentations, while others were intended to be developed into actual productions. Projects and concepts generated out of Multi Corn Plexe are 'Pirates of the Caribbean', Nickelodeon (2008), Curator's Cut, 12 November 2005 (2007) and 'Multi Corn Plexe - C&H at the Pictures' (to be produced).
concept :
realisation/performance :
Heike Langsdorf, Christophe Meierhans, Christoph Ragg
with the participation of :
Ula Sickle
productie :
support :
frogs OS, Kunst/Werk, Hangar, Maus Habitos/Porto
thanks to :
Anna Rispoli