Motion Motley Motor | 2008
moˇtion [ mṓsh'n ] Definition: 1. act of moving: the act or process of moving, or the way in which somebody or something moves motˇley [ móttlee ] Definition: 1. made up of different types: consisting of people or things that are very different from one another and do not seem to belong together moˇtor [ mṓtər ] Definition: 1. machine that creates motion: a machine that converts energy into motion and can be used as a power source, e.g. to drive another machine or to move a vehicle. Let's go.
photo dialogue between Jack Hauser and David Bergé in the frame of Minds in Motion, Corpusweb at ImPulsTanz 2008
project by :
David Bergé, Jack Hauser
supported by :, ImPulsTanz