Post/Pandemics 22/23 | 2022
Post/Pandemics (P/P) was a project initiated by radical_hope in 2022,
with the vague aim to come to a co-creation,
with and by a yet unfixed group of people, in 2024.
-- the co-creation, stemming from Post/Pandemics and happening this year *****
The two year process Post/Pandemics started off with a couple of questions that got more and more diversified along the way by a slowly growing group of participants.
How do we read the prefix ‘post’ when it comes to misgovernment of the world and its resources?
What would a ‘post’-pandemic life look like?
How do we stay, underqtnd and act in it?
How to live a joyful life while consuming and exploiting less?
How can we rethink together our collective well-being? How can this rethinking become a(n artistic) creation-process?
After a first trajectory, Summer Refuge (August 2022 @De Markten, Brussels) Post/Pandemics adopted a seasonal work rhythm. Until December 2023 radical-hope sets up so-called Refuges at various locations where people can meet 'by chance': open spaces for which Heike Langsdorf and Simone Basani initiate changable circumstances to engage in a variety of (artistic) practices or just hang out.
Rather than using calls for participation, selection processes, or strategies to ensure diversity or exclusivity, Post/Pandemics prefers to rely on chance in inviting people into a process of exploration: an exploration of what happens when we do NOT obsessively search for solutions to problems, achievements, results, or umtimate alternatives to the status quo. Freed from the pressure to produce the aforementioned, we might find ways to live satisfying life/s...
The Summer- and Winter Refuge explored the question of how a group becomes a group, how a group meets other groups, and how the concept of social integration is itself a highly questionable one:
How can one counter the assumption that there is such a thing as a clear-cut society to which the other must conform?
The two Spring Refuges came to question how (as a yet unfixed group of people) we negotiate the space/s we find ourselves in? Figuring this out in practice instead of through merely theoretical speculation, an understanding of what we can mean or not mean for eachother could slowly develop and lead to next questions:
What is there and always already available for us? How can we hold together the things that hold us together? How do we read the traces surrounding us, left by ourselves or others?
During the fall, three last Refuge Intensives are organised in residency at KWP Brussels and at radical_house. Unlike the preceding Public Refuges, these Intensives invest into a rather intimate working sphere where participants (who have found their way to the project during the last two years) can deepen their way of relating to the material generated and the way they would like to contribute to the closure of the process.
To keep in touch with each other in-between those Refuge periods, small Re-gatherings
are organized together with Alice Ciresola. These meetings are held to
present and discuss little fabrications – we call them documentations –,
co-created (during or in-between the Refuge periods) by some of the
people who participated.
* Refuges
- Summer Refuge: 1/8 - 1/9 * 2022 @De Markten/BXL
- Winter Refuge: 30/1 - 17/2 * 2023 @KAAP/Brugge
- Spring Refuge I: 13/3 - 7/4 * 2023 @De Markten/BXL - Spring Refuge II: 8/5 - 28/5 * 2023 @Buda/Kortrijk
Fall Refuge Intensive Weeks: spread between 27/10 and 10/12 * 2023 @Kunstenwerkplaats Brussel, radical_house, LINK
* Re-gatherings
- 04/11/2022 Unveiling of Vivre Sa Vie by Charif Bendriss
- 14/12/2022 Projection of Image-Loop by Mira Verstraeten & the three kids & Playing of Textures, a soundtrack by Ivan Azazian.
- 03/07/2023 projections of images by Mira Verstraeten, Tomas Tytgat, Bilal Kamilla Arnout, Charif Bendriss, Jonas Verbeke and others & Unboxing Spring Refuge II -- group reading of accumulated / collected traces. production :
coproduction :
De Markten/VGC Brussels, BUDA, KAAP, Forsiti'A, Flemish Community, Kunstenwerkplaats Brussel, nadine
initiation, choreograpy, mediation :
Heike Langsdorf
initiation, dramaturgy, production :
Simone Basani
assistance, communication, mediation :
Alice Ciresola, Liselore Vandeput
supporting practitioners :
Amina Saadi, Johanne Mortgat Shan, Noah Geistlich, Joan Somers-Donnelly, Katya Ev, Mira Verstraeten, Laura Oriol, Salwa Achabouch
participants (chronological order) :
BeeBee-lal Kamilla Arnout, Charif Bendriss, Anne-Claire Kelam Epse Masso Mika, Johanna Jacobs, Elisabeth Ida, Ivan Azazian, Bieke De Bie, Nora Bajram, Marie Louise Ruth, Dumitru,
... :
Joke Flo, Tomas Tytgat, Vassilios Vassileris, Soro, Michel, Miguel, Chehri, Carine De Backer, Soph, Veronica Juliana Schmalz, Giulieta Cortez
special thanks to :
Hilde van Geel, Kopano Maroga, Sandrien Bilterest, Siham Swaileim