There Are Many Ways of Saying Gleichzeitigkeit | 2005
With 'There are Many Ways of Saying Gleichzeitigkeit', David Helbich and Boris Baltschun explore the simultaneous occurrence of sound and image. Using a slide projector and improvised electronic sound, they created an audiovisual installation for two film projectors and speakers.
In the installation, two facing screens show two simultaneous video recordings of a slide projector being subjected to several manipulations. One or two hands switch the machine on and off, they change slide series, show slide windows, etc for a duration of 8 minutes. The two videos differ from each other with regards to the order of the actions and the subject matter of the slides. The differences becomes clear only slowly and this turns into the essential theme of the image material. This theme is reinforced by the soundtrack, an autonomous composition made from actual sound material, coinciding in turns with one video or the other. The stereo-effect, created by an intersecting set-up (speakers aimed from the sides to the middle of the space), keeps setting the spectator on the wrong track.
concept :
Boris Baltschun, David Helbich
Installation :
Boris Baltschun, David Helbich
Performance :
Boris Baltschun, David Helbich
support :
Nadine, Lab_au, frogs OS, Kunst/Werk