WOW moments | 2011
WOW ! moments are to be seen under a twofold aspect : they are considered to evoke a perceptional attitude which leads to inspiration as the beginning of social change and secondly they are natural human reactions onto the result of high-quality change. This change is already part of our world. The WOW! moments, happening in the Performing Tent make use of the emotional reaction when seeing a known concept in the contexts of new information. WOW! moments can be understood as the holographic part of change : the sense of wonder in a world of wonder (WOW). There are tree connected formats for WOW moments : WOW! Talks, WOW! X-tensions and WOW! Contemplation. The WOW! Talks are moments of powerful inspiration transmitted through concentrated speeches, presented in 16 minutes sharp during our pre/evening programme from 18h - 20h. They should leave the listener with a sense of ‘wow!’. If after the WOW! Talk you want to know more about the content, you are invited to hang out and think on ... The WOW! X-tensions offer space and time for sharing information in an interactive way presented as lectures, workshops, readings or performances and are daily presented in slots of 1 up to 10 x 16 minutes between 15:00 and 17:40. You can listen to the WOW! Talks, schedule your own WOW! X-tension or be part of the WOW! Contemplations : Please employ the CHANGING AGENDA The perceptive attitude of WOW! Moments is not always an active one like in the talks and workshops.
The natural counter - balance to the extrovert WOW! Moments is the Silence.
WOW! Contemplation wants to offer a time to contemplate on chaos instead of causes, looking at ourselves as elements of this chaos. These moments
try to offer little wise insights to deal with the world.
The free time and space is yours !!!
17-01-2011 until 23 Jan 2011 : KAAITHEATER : Akenkaai 2 quai des Péniches, 1000 Brussels / Burning Ice Festivalconcept :
Christiane Huber, Zoltan Gal
moderation :
Christiane Huber
camera :
Sanne Kurz
WOW! Talks :
The Erroristas, Gunschmitt, Vinay Gupta, John Jordan, Roland Spinola, Jan Vannoppe,
WOW! X-tension :
Bembo Davis, Eva Karia, Matin Opboven, Arne Goyvaerts, Sven Goyvaerts
performance WOW! Contemplation :
Alessandra Coppola