documents on the move | 2007
In 2006, a call was sent out for books, DVD's and other documents related to current performance practices. The documents were to be integrated into the regular collection of a local small-town library and displayed during studium:buhne, a workshop and festival organized by Heike Langsdorf, Michaela Christensen and Susan Quinn in Burghausen, Germany.
The ambition of this side project, was that the documents would be accessible to the general public for the duration of the festival, providing a context and background to the different workshops and performances. Following the festival, the documents would remain part of the libraries permanent collection and continue to be accessible along with the library's other books.
However, the call for documents was answered by an unexpectedly large amount of items: books, DVD's, objects and brochures arrived in Burghausen from artists and institutions across Europe - The last and most extensive contribution being from 'International Festival', which dedicated their own collection of documents from 'archive in the making', a project in collaboration with the Van Abbe Museum in Eindhoven, The Nederlands.
Due to this overwhelming response (+/- 700 documents) and due to the unusually large formats of some of the submissions, the capacity of the library was pushed to its limits. The Stadtbibliothek Burghausen therefore requested that a new home be found for the documents following the festival's closure. With the end of Studium:Bühne, 'documents on the move' began looking for a new hom
With all the documents catalogued by the library, Studium:Bühne and the Stadtbibliothek found a partner, Patrick Grigo, the new director of Dance-Center Burghausen (alias Tanzwerkstatt). Patrick Grigo is planning to develop a living archive for performance and dance. The intention of the archive is to present dance to a wider public and thus is a perfect home for the collection of documents accumulated during studium:buhne. The archive is still under construction, however 'documents on the move' should find its new home in the Dance-Center Burghausen in the near future.
30-10-2006 as part of Studium:Buhne, Stadtbibliothek Burghausen, Germanyinitiation :
Heike Langsdorf
support :
frogs OS, Kunst/Werk, Stadtbibliothek Burghausen
comission :
contributions a.o. :
Nadine, International Festival, Marten Spangberg, Tor Lindstrand, Zimmerfrei, C&H, Paul Lagring, Andrea Winterstetter
and :
Bettina Wind, Heike Langsdorf, Mette Edvartsen, Mette Ingvartsen, David Helbich, Marc Vanrunxt, Sophie Nys, Elke van Campenhout, Various Artists, Hélène Göhring, Julien Bruneau, Michael Schmid, Franky de Coninck, Michaela Christensen, Michel Yang,