Welcome to OF, an archive for performance based work,
addressed to the public with the invitation to publish
personal work.
We are right now updating the sites' system.
Soon you will have to re-post your video-material ...
Soon you will have to re-post your video-material ...
We apologize for the inconvenience our 'non-profit tool' is currently causing and thank you for your understanding!
radical_hope for open-frames.net
how it works
You can receive a log-in that allows you to post as many
works as you want by getting in contact with :
It is compulsory to post a minimum of a descriptive text (in english language) and 1 video or up to 15 images. There is also the option to add 1 pdf, tour data, as well as to attach tags from a tag menu and link to another site. A navigation-system allows visitors to search the site for projects by title, name and kinds of works.
OF provides it's user a simple interface:
Any work added to the list has the same presentation module.
Each project is displayed in a single window, formatted with a double scrolling frame -
The left side can be loaded with video or images, while the right side is reserved for text.
Registration on the site is by title, name, and date.
firefox --> http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/
The list of projects and the respectively involved people should grow and naturally interconnect based on familiarity and interest.
OF results from the closure of f,r,o,g,s OS,
a netwerk of people and works that was active from 2000 until 2008.
OF started off as an overview of works connected to f,r,o,g,s OS. Recycling the results of f,r,o,g,s OS into a new project,
OF aims to be an open archive, which gives artists the possibility to create an overview of their past and recent projects in terms of their initial goals, working processes and actual results.
OF functions as a library of works situated within the realm of performance in the widest sense (not limited to any one format or genre), with the goal of making work and working processes more accessible to other artists working in the field and to other interested parties.
The decision to offer a very simple, and limited system was taken in favor of readability and orientation within the site. open-frames.net is not meant to be a personal home-page - it is rather a selection that one decides to be a part of in order to share one’s working process and results with other artists and interested individuals.
OF is published by Kunst/Werk vzw.
Frogs was initiated in 2000 as a pilot project, supported by nadine. In 2002 Frogs OS (open source) grew into a structure that supported collaborations between artists from different disciplines, providing workspace through an association with nadine (Brussels), wp Zimmer (Antwerp) and Netwerk (Aalst) and small working budgets through funding from the VGC and eventually from 2004, through a collaboration with Kunst/Werk. From 2000 - 2008 Frogs OS was coordinated by Heike Langsdorf.
Frogs OS thus became an active network of people and works: Heike Langsdorf, Christophe Meierhans and Christoph Ragg (now C+H) as well as David Helbich, Shila Anaraki, Koen Nutters, Mette Ingvartsen, Ula Sickle and Michel Yang formed the starting point for what would eventually become a much larger network of collaborators.
The 36 projects created under Frogs OS can be found by searching under people/frogs_OS
“Paradoxically frogs OS combines a very research oriented approach with a result-orientated mentality: Any activity of frogs OS is followed up or accompanied by (a) public presentation(s). This is to stress the need and interest of frogs OS to develop a praxis for discussion: frogs OS claims public presentation of research as a way to come to new working methods with respect to individual needs and intentions.”
f,r,o,g,s OS, 2004
“As a matter of principle, frogs OS does not encourage people to necessarily produce a finished product. On the contrary, frogs OS concentrates on discussing the need to produce and to work out ideas. This creates either a new starting point or a temporary void (no production). In other words, frogs OS constantly focuses on ideas and concepts, but is economical with developing them into cultural products.”
f,r,o,g,s OS, 2002
the inpex
design for the other 90%